3 Florida Estate Planning Documents You Need Right Now

3 Florida Estate Planning Documents You Need Right Now


 Although you can’t always protect yourself from the unexpected, you can (and should) clarify what you would like to have happened when it does. Three, fairly simple estate planning tools is all you need. These documents include:


  1. A Will
  2. A power of attorney; and
  3. An advance directive for health care  


While each is important in its own respect, they bring you and your family the most peace of mind when you have all three in place together. Here is why:


With these three documents in place, you will essentially be answering the following very important questions:


  • Who will inherit your estate?
  • Who will administer your estate?; and
  • Who will take care of your children, both day-to-day and if you pass away before they reach adulthood?


Last Will and Testaments


To put it briefly, your Will addresses what you want to have done with your estate when you die? Among other things, having a Will in place allows you to do the following:


  • Name someone who will be in charge of disposing of your estate.
  • Name someone who will look after your minor children.
  • State how your assets are to be distributed to your heirs.


These are certainly important estate planning goals to accomplish, especially if you will be leaving behind minor children. However, there are other situations that, though they may not result in your death, can render you temporarily unable to care for yourself or your loved ones.


When you become incapacitated or otherwise unable to care for yourself and your loved ones, for any length of time, a Will won’t help you. Furthermore, you may not want other people making important decisions for you when you could have made them in advance yourself.


This is why you also need the other two documents in place. Unlike your Will (which only becomes effective when you die), your power of attorney and your advance directive for health are effective when you are alive.


Durable Power of Attorney


A power of attorney is the estate planning tool you use if you need someone to handle your financial affairs when you are unable to do so yourself. A power of attorney may be defined narrowly— such as when granting someone (your attorney-in-fact) access to your bank account in order to pay bills for you for a limited period time.


On the other hand, your power of attorney can grant broad power, like when you give someone full access to your financial accounts in order to manage all of your assets indefinitely, or until you revoke the power of attorney or it expires.


For example,  you may need a power of attorney if you want to buy a house, but you’re traveling or out of the country or you’re stuck in the hospital nursing an injury. In this case, your attorney-in-fact (often your spouse or someone you implicitly trust) can execute the transaction for you.


Advance Health Care Directive or

Designated Health Care Surrogate


With a Florida advance health care directive, which can include a living Will, you can select one or more individuals to look after your assets and to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated, temporarily or indefinitely. So, essentially, when you become incapacitated and unable to make your own decisions, your power of attorney loses its validity and your advance health care directive takes over.


Ideally, you won’t need your advance health care directive, but consider how it will be if you end up needing someone to make medical decisions for you, but you never took the time to write down in advance your wishes with regard to medical care. This will not only make it less likely that your wishes will be fulfilled, but will also leave your loved ones with some very difficult decisions to make. Planning in advance can prevent both these things from happening.



Contact An Experienced

Florida Estate Planning Attorney


For more information regarding estate planning in Florida, consult with a qualified and experienced estate planning attorney. Contact Lynchard & Seely, PLLC,  either online or by calling 1-850-936-9385, to arrange a consultation with one of our expert Florida estate planning attorney.

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4 Key Elements of a Rock-Solid Estate Plan (Plus a Bonus)

4 Key Elements of a Rock-Solid Estate Plan (Plus a Bonus)



Meeting with an estate planning attorney in Florida to help you arrange for your final wishes is something that most people have on their ‘must-do‘ list. It’s one of those things that isn’t very pleasant to discuss or consider. Some even wonder if they need to go through the process.


However, the idea of someone else making decisions based upon their best interests without your input is even more uncomfortable than inaction.


That thought could become a reality without careful planning beforehand. When you have children, property, assets, and financial dealings, the need becomes even more significant. Commit to documenting how you want your affairs handled while you still can.


Think of it this way: an estate plan is yours to make, but the peace of mind is actually for your family. Locating accounts, gathering documents, and carrying out your last wishes is too much for your loved ones.


Having the documentation in place means that all they have to do is execute your requests and celebrate the life you lived.


Major Components of an Estate Plan

Most people think of an estate plan as a will or trust. While these documents are fundamental components of a rock-solid estate plan, there are other directives you can put into place to manage your end-of-life affairs and beyond. A basic understanding of the options available can make your efforts more productive when meeting with a probate attorney in Florida.

Last Will and Testament

1. Last Will and Testament: A last will and testament is the document in place for carrying out estate administration requests. While it isn’t as comprehensive as a trust, it still holds value from a legal standpoint.


You can designate how you want the following to be treated in your will:

· burial or cremation

· guardianship for children

· naming the personal representative

· division of assets among heirs

Upon death, your estate goes through a Florida probate court to finalize the estate.


A judge will review your will, hear contested claims, and administer all transfer of property. It is a process that families dread which makes utilizing a living trust an attractive option.


Revocable Living Trust

2. Revocable Living Trust: The easiest way to understand how a revocable living trust works is to think of it as a corporation for your entire estate. This analogy may seem intimidating at first; however, it’s not as complicated or expensive as it sounds.

In fact, it’s a great way to direct assets and execute final wishes down to the last detail.

A revocable living trust is a separate entity established that ‘owns’ your property when you transfer real and personal property into it over the course of your lifetime.


You are still in complete control of the assets you transferred into it as you are the named as the trustee. The document can be revoked at any time if the need arises. You are in the driver’s seat.


A trust does not need to go through probate as long as the trust owns all of your assets. This strategy requires a level of diligence and organization that a probate lawyer in Florida can accomplish. Assets you can place into a trust include vehicles, real estate, money, and investment accounts.


Aside from avoiding probate, a living trust keeps your estate details private since it does not become part of public record.


Durable Power of Attorney

3. Durable Power of Attorney: A Durable Power of Attorney gives another party, such as your spouse, the ability to act on your behalf in making medical decisions, working with banks and government agencies, or even discussing contracts you hold.

The main idea is that if something should happen to you, whether through disability, someone else will be able to manage your personal effects. The absence of a power of attorney means that your loved ones may have to go to court to receive guardianship authority.

Advanced Healthcare Directives

4. Advanced Healthcare Directives

An advanced healthcare directive is the ‘holy grail’ of documents that pertain to making major medical decisions when you are unable to do so. Outside of the scope of a power of attorney, the advanced healthcare directive allows you to specifically direct how you want to certain aspects of your physical body such as:

· resuscitation directives pertaining to life support

· specific requests for burial or cremation

· organ donation in whole or in part


An advanced healthcare directive gives you the power to name the person who can make these decisions for you, if you can’t. It’s comforting to know that medical decisions will be made by someone you trust and in a way you would have wanted.

Bonus Document:

Business Buy/Sell Agreements

For Small Business Owners: While available in custom formats, the Buy/Sell agreement provides a means for your heirs, loved ones, business partners, and other vested persons to purchase your business in the event of your death. It often contains specific instructions, amounts, and funding sources, such as insurance, from where the purchase originated.


This document can be part of your business’ succession planning effort and may already be in place according to your operating agreement.


You may need all of these documents or some combination of them. Discussing your needs with an estate planning attorney in Florida can help you sort through some tough decisions while putting together a plan that meets your every need.


Our team at Lynchard & Seely, PLLC has been serving families in Santa Rosa County, FL and surrounding areas with all of their estate planning needs. You can request a free consultation by calling 850-936-9385 or completing our online contact form.

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Estate Planning – Do I Need It?

Estate Planning – Do I Need It?

Estate Planning – Do I Need It?

I think everybody worries what happens to their stuff when they pass away or what happens if you become incapacitated. These are extremely important questions and valid worries. It might surprise you but it is estimated that approximately 70% of people do not have an estate plan in place.

The purpose of this blog post is to begin to introduce to you what estate planning is. By the end of this blog post you should at least know where to begin or have a direction in which to head. Alright, let’s go.

As a preliminary statement, there is no exact definition of “estate planning.” Essentially, I define “estate planning” as the mechanisms or the systems you have in place to deal with your life or stuff in the instance of incapacitation or death.

For the most part, these systems or mechanisms can come in many forms, but generally fall under two main categories:


Category 1 – While You Are Alive

Category 2 – When You are Dead

Category 1 – While You Are Alive


You have to ask yourself the following questions: What happens if I get in a car accident and have brain damage? What happens if I have a stroke?

What happens medically is a topic for a different blog, but the legal and financial aspects of these questions are a main purpose of this blog and my legal practice. You need to be thinking about what systems or mechanisms you should have in place while you’re alive to address the questions above.

The short answer is to provide other trusted people with the authority or power to handle your affairs and make decisions when you can’t.

My favorite basic estate planning document is the Durable Power of Attorney, which covers legal and financial matters. This document has by far saved my clients time and money more times than any other estate planning mechanism.

I will talk about the Durable Power of Attorney, its uses, the legal requirements, and the pros and cons, in later blog posts, but for now you need to be thinking about putting one of these documents in place and fast.

While the Durable Power of Attorney handles legal and financial matters, the Designation of Health Care Surrogate handles medical. This document is also one of my favorite estate planning documents. This document authorizes individuals, other trusted people, to make medical decisions if you’re unable to, including the ultimate decision of whether to “pull the plug.”

Again, I will get into the Designation of Health Care Surrogate, its uses, the legal requirements, and the pros and cons, in later blog posts, however, for now, you need to be thinking about putting one of these documents place and fast.


Category 2 – When You Are Dead


You have to ask yourself the following questions: What happens too much stuff when I pass away? You saw the cause of death statistics above right? Including the stroke statistics?

Again, I will not be getting into the multitude of ways that a person can die. However, the legal and financial aspects of this question is a main purpose of this blog and my legal practice. As with Category 1 above, you need to be thinking about what systems or mechanisms you should have in place when you pass away to address the questions above.

The short answer is, generally, a Last Will and Testament or Living Trust. The purpose of these documents is to have a written instrument in place that dictates the handling and the distribution of your estate.

While this answer is very simplistic and there are multitude of other issues to address, either one of these documents can act and address the question of what happens to your stuff when you pass away. Much like the durable power of attorney and the designation of health care surrogate, the Last Will and Testament or Living Trust are my favorite basic estate planning tools to address what happens when you die.



I hope this blog post has begun to introduce you to estate planning. I also hope that it’s giving you a little bit of direction and perhaps the basic documents you need put in place to address the questions that all of us have.

To summarize, I strongly suggest you look into putting following documents in place right now:

  1. Durable Power of Attorney,
  2. Designation of Health Care Surrogate,
  3. Last Will and Testament, and
  4. Living Trust.

Remember, you never know what or when something may happen.

I want to thank you for taking the time stop by our website and read our blog. If you’d like to know more please be sure to subscribe below, and if you like the content we provide please consider sharing this on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.

As always, I look forward to your comments and question below.

Thanks again and I’ll talk to you soon,

Sean J. Seely

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Estate Planning

Navarre, Florida Estate Planning Attorneys You Can Trust

One of our main areas of practice is estate planning and in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa and throughout Florida. We handle is Wills, Trusts, and Estates. Whether you want to protect your assets for your children, need help with a guardianship, or just need a Florida deed to trust, you can take comfort in knowing that our experienced estate planning lawyers, based in Navarre, Florida, are always looking out for your interests.

Our areas of emphasis include:

  • Estate Planning – We provide last wills and testaments, revocable and irrevocable trusts, durable powers of attorneys, advanced directives / designation of healthcare surrogates, living wills, and other important documents that will help preserve your assets and reach your goals. We can also assist with advanced estate planning such as irrevocable trusts, irrevocable life insurance trusts, and tax planning.
  • Guardianship Administration – We can help in the unfortunate circumstances where a court authorization is required to act on behalf of an incapacitated person, including cases of the elderly/infirm, mentally ill, and minors.

When you need a Pensacola, Cantonment, Pace, Milton, Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Fort Walton, or Crestview Estate Planning Lawyer, Call US!

We take great pride in providing personalized service and guidance to all of our estate planning clients. Whether your goals are a simple estate plan or more advanced wealth preservation techniques, we are happy to help. It is what we do! You can rest assured that we strive to provide the highest quality legal service of any estate planning attorneys in Florida.

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